Introducing the new ESR Implementation Advisors
During the summer, we began to establish a new team of Implementation Advisors.
This role is designed to enable us to provide additional hands on project management and implementation support to NHS organisations that have committed to roll-out further ESR functionality. The team have a wealth of ESR knowledge and experience and are already helping our regional teams to support a range of implementation projects.
We are delighted to introduce the first four new ESR Implementation Advisors who have joined the NHS ESR team in recent weeks;
Graz Leonowicz – Midlands and East Team
Graz joined the team in October having previously worked for Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Graz is currently working with Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust on their OLM rollout, and assisting Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust with their plan to implement Manager Self Service.
Bronwyn Driver - North of England Team
Bronwyn previously worked across the North West supporting organisations to implement improved recruitment processes as part of the North West Streamlining Team, before joining the North ESR regional Team in September 2019.
Bronwyn is currently working with North Lincolnshire and Goole (NLAG) who are migrating their course booking system into ESR as part of a wider Self Service project, which involves working with the NLAG training administrators on site two days a week helping them to set up the 500 courses and associated offerings and classes and setting up OLM Data Groups to enable course facilitators to manage their own classes.
Nelson Boto – South of England Team
Nelson is currently working with the Isle of Wight Trust on their OLM & MSS implementation, Sussex Partnership with their implementation of Supervisor Self Service Limited Access and OLM, Great Ormond Street Hospital who are progressing with their implementation of OLM, and a number of other projects scheduled for the early part of 2020 involving OLM, BI and Appraisal.
Jessica Brooks – North of England Team
Currently assisting Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust with the formation of a new catalogue of Mandatory Training courses, including the application of competency requirements, and will also be assisting North East Lincolnshire CCG with a similar project soon.
The team of eight, when fully recruited will provide support covering all the regions (South, Midlands and East, London and the North of England).
The expertise of the Implementation Advisors in their specific regions is available to organisations who commit to ESR implementation projects as part of their Annual ESR Assessment. If your organisation hasn’t scheduled their 2019/20 Assessment yet, please contact your NHS ESR Regional Account Manager