Imperial College London's show tell about Manager Self Service is a big hit
Following the success of the Manager Self Service (MSS) implementation at Imperial College London, the team were recently invited to show case their project to their peers across the London region and the wider NHS. This gave them the opportunity to share their lessons learnt and also to explain how as a large busy London Acute Trust they are using Manager Self Service.
Manager Self Service was implemented in the Trust just over 18 months ago. The success of the project had many factors, but dedicated sponsorship and leadership from the top of the organisation was imperative and enabled them to drive the project successfully forward.
On Friday 17th October Raj Laxhman and Alex Horn (pictured) from the project team at Imperial College delivered a virtual show and tell session on ESR Manager Self Service. The session was delivered via MS Teams with 60 attendees, which was a fantastic turn out!
Raj and Alex are well versed in their ESR knowledge and processes, so this enabled them to put together a well-considered and meaningful interactive presentation. Many specific questions were asked on how ESR Manager Self Service was rolled out at and how it is maintained at Imperial, and from the feedback the London NHS ESR team received following the session, it was clear that sharing their knowledge and experience was very helpful for organisations that are yet to fully implement Manager Self Service.

Having access to tried and tested documentation can be really helpful if you are looking at planning your own implementation, and since the show and tell session Raj and Alex have shared their slides with all the attendees as well as their project plan and guidance documents with those attendees who have since contacted them.
Anyone considering implementing ESR Manager Self Service and wanting to know more about how to approach it can contact Raj Laxhman as Alternatively, you can contact your NHS ESR functional Account Manager for further information and guidance.