Your online payslip is waiting for you - before pay day
Whilst you might know when your pay day is, do you know when your Organisation releases your payslip for you to view online via ESR? Some Organisations release payslips to employees up to six days before pay day, giving their employees the opportunity to check their salary before it gets paid into their bank account.

An enhancement to ESR at the end of December 2020 enabled NHS employees with access to ESR Employee Self Service to opt into online payslip email notifications. Once selected this switches on the email functionality and you receive an email (to the email address that is saved in ESR) when your latest online payslip is available to view. You can then login to ESR to view, download and print off your payslip if you want to - giving you control of accessing your pay data, when and where you want via your computer, mobile phone or tablet.
By May 2021, 5 months after the enhancement was launched, over 390k employees had opted into this notification feature and received an email advising them that their payslip was available online. This figure continues to increase month-on-month as more NHS employees opt to use online payslips.
There are over 1.88 million NHS employees who have switched to online payslips; this is over 81% of NHS employees who use ESR that now don’t receive a paper payslip. This is helping NHS Organisations save on postage, distribution and administration costs, helping to reduce the NHS Carbon Footprint and supports a cleaner, greener environment.
If your Organisation is yet to make the switch to online payslips, you don’t have to wait. You can opt out of paper by simply clicking the opt out button on the payslip/P60 portlet in ESR.
For more information visit the ESR Hub at or contact your NHS ESR Functional Account Manager.