Gender Pay Gap Reporting

A draft Order, The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017, is currently laid before Parliament and is expected to come into force on 31st March 2017. This regulation imposes obligations on public authorities to publish gender pay gap (GPG) information, relating to employees, to demonstrate compliance with the duty imposed by section 149(1) of the Act. The first publication must occur no later than 30th March 2018 and at intervals thereafter no greater than a year since the last publication.

GPG Reporting via ESR

Work is underway within the ESR Team to reproduce the specific calculation of Pay as defined in the draft Regulations. We will advise of the reporting solution and availability in due course. Note that the Regulations remain at the draft stage, so may be subject to change. When it is implemented the ESR solution will enable reporting for the year to March 2018 in order to meet the requirement.

ESR will enable reporting as set out in the draft Order:

“In particular, public authorities are required to publish the difference between the average hourly rate of pay paid to male and female employees; the difference between the average bonus paid to male and female employees; the proportions of male and of female employees who receive bonuses; and the relative proportions of male and female employees in each quartile pay band of the workforce.”

Organisations will be able to run the ESR reports for any chosen period, so that interim monitoring can be undertaken ahead of the annual publication.

Whilst the legislation focusses on Gender, it is intended that the ESR reporting solution will enable Pay Gap Analysis across a range of other protected characteristics including: age; disability; religion or belief and sexual orientation.

Please note that Gender Reassignment is not currently recordable on ESR. NHS England is leading a review of equality standards across the NHS and should Gender Reassignment be added to the standard applicable to Workforce, then it will be reflected in ESR.

Next steps

The specific calculation of pay required is being worked on and the Payroll NSIG will be engaged with regarding the inclusion of local elements.

A set of reports will be developed, with assistance from both the Human Resources and payroll NSIG’s, and these will be made available and publicised to users as soon as possible.

Further information regarding the GPG reporting requirements is available on the NHS Employers website


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