Programme news
ESR - Supporting the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme
In order to support the roll out of the vaccinations for Covid-19 ESR has been working with NHS England and NHS Improvement to introduce a new set of competencies aimed at helping Organisations identify and track the roles of those supporting the vaccination roll out. The 14 new role specific competencies have been now been made available in ESR together with vaccine specific competencies which will allow organisations to identify those who have completed this e-Learning.
Role Based Competencies
The 14 role based competencies support the recruitment drive underway to identify and train those needed to help support the vaccination programme. Organisations can utilise the competencies in ESR by allocating them as a requirement against specific positions making it easy to identify and report on who has completed the necessary training to support the rollout.
Vaccine Specific Competencies
By adding competencies to the nationally available e-Learning Organisations are quickly able to see who has completed the vaccine specific learning. Currently linked to the national e-Learning there are Pfizer BioNTech and Oxford-AstraZeneca competencies in ESR.
More details can be found in ESR User Notice UN2979 and UN2981.
By adding these nationally any individual who has been allocated the competencies will also be able to benefit from the supporting capability in Inter Authority Transfer should they move around the service. In addition where an employee works across more than one organisation their Competency records can be synchronised to avoid duplication of training where appropriate.
Organisations can utilise existing ESR BI reporting capability to review the use of the competencies within ESR against the employees. The BI Compliance Dashboard has a suite of reports designed to help monitor and manage employees and the competencies they require. The Selective Competency Matching Tab within the dashboard contains a number of reports including giving you the ability to highlight specific competencies and review which employees have those.
EU Settlement Scheme Reporting within ESRBI
Following the introduction of EU Settlement Scheme recording in ESR, the NHS Team has developed a number of new reports within ESRBI which enable users to return a full picture of the EU Settlement Scheme information held in ESR for employees and applicants. Also included are a number of action analyses designed to highlight records where action may be required based on the data recorded.
The reporting can be found within the NHS Employment Checklist Dashboard>EU Status page.
Employees/Applicants Approaching Expiry
The Employees/Applicants Approaching Expiry analysis is designed to highlight to users where an individual has a settlement scheme entry recorded in ESR but either the Pre-Settled Status Expiry Date is approaching or the EU Leave to Remain Expiry Date is approaching.
Users can define the number of days to expiry using the available dashboard prompt (set to 90 days be default).
Employees/Applicants without Verification
The Employees/Applicants without Verification analysis is designed to return individuals where a settlement scheme entry is recorded in ESR but there is no Settlement Scheme Verified Date entered. Users can then follow-up on records where appropriate.
Detail reporting
The detail tables for employees or applicants return all available fields under the EU Status Extra Information Type form.
Users return a full picture of each entry in the form alongside a number of standard employee, assignment, position and organisation related fields.
Recent Developments
As requested by users through the ESRBI enhancement process, a recent development has been made to the EU Status reporting enabling users to restrict records returned in the detail analysis to only EU, EEA and Swiss Nationals.
In addition, Nationality and a derived EU, EEA or Swiss National column has been included within the detail reporting to help users focus on those records where further investigation may be required.
Future Developments
As with all the ESRBI NHS Standard Dashboards, we encourage users to share their suggestions for future developments. If you have a suggestion for any of the NHS Standard Dashboards please raise a Service Request and we’ll happily consider it.
Enhancements to the ESR Hub
The ESR Hub was launched in October 2020 and brought together information and supporting guidance about ESR and its services, including content previously held on ESR Knowledgebase (Kbase). This was the first step in the plan to combine content from all of ESR’s digital platforms.
Since October we have migrated content from the ESR Support, ESR Infopoint and ESR Education Online websites.
There is a new page focusing on ESR Education; detailing the content of courses which are currently available via webinar, along with details of available e-Learning sessions -
There is a new e-Learning page that provides details of forthcoming changes to e-Learning, where to get help, as well as specific information for Learning Administrators and others who administrate local e-Learning -
Plus a new section designed to help users with access to ESR; password reset guidance, local ESR System Administrator contact information -
Functional brochures, implementation guides, and other supporting material for Manager Self Service and Learning Management, designed to help you better understand functionality and how it can support HR and Learning teams will be added to the the ESR Hub in the coming weeks. Keep a look out for updates in ESR News.
ESR Education webinars get the thumbs up
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the UK the ESR Programme was required to withdraw the face to face education that was delivered to both current ESR Service Users and new Users. As the pandemic continued throughout the summer, the potential to re-introduce face to face courses with social distancing measures in place was unfortunately not an option.
The ESR Education team began to develop an alternative suite of courses that could be delivered via virtual training. Mindful that being asked to sit in front of a laptop or PC for up to six hours may not be conducive to a comfortable learning experience, the team set out to redesign the course content.
It was important that the learner journey was a positive one, so the content and duration of the training would have to be as succinct as possible, but still provide the same level of detail and support from the educators. Additionally, smaller virtual sessions needed to be timetabled so that the Education team could deliver the required number of sessions, albeit being able to increase the number of delegates from 12 -16 to a maximum of 20.
Across the education syllabus the courses were adapted to suit virtual learning, including the Payroll module to allow for it to be made available via e-Learning - enabling unlimited delegates. There was also an opportunity for the team to look at delivering “hot topic” webinars to update Payroll Users about changes to the service and to refresh knowledge in areas where we see a high number of SRs, such as Real Time Information.
The ESR Education Team relaunched the ESR Education syllabus in October 2020, using the ESR Hub Events Calendar to promote the education webinars, and the courses are proving very popular; with over 300 attendees joining webinars and courses throughout October to December.
At the end of each session delegates are asked to provide feedback to enable the ESR Education team to look at the content of webinars and courses and see how they can be further enhanced to give users the learning experience they need from ESR. This feedback has already enabled the team to provide additional content that professional Users felt would enhance the courses, and the team have told us that follow up questionnaires will be sent to all delegates around three months after their attendance so they can ensure the training will continue to adapt to meet User requirements and requests where possible.
The webinars have been really well received and are providing a good introduction to key areas of ESR functionality, with delegates commenting that the webinars are a great way to learn specific aspects of ESR functionality, relevant to their role. They also told the team that the webinar delivery and supporting guidance and demonstrations from the educators is very helpful and the team have excellent ESR knowledge – which is great feedback!