Gloucestershire Care Services – Save £1 a day campaign
Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust provides services to approximately 600,000 people, running the county’s community hospitals, providing nursing, physiotherapy, re-ablement and adult social care in community settings. They also provide health visiting, school nursing and speech and language therapy services for children.
The service covers an area of approximately 1045 square miles, working in peoples’ homes, community clinics and hospitals, outpatient departments, schools, GP practices, acute hospitals, nursing and residential homes and social care settings. The Trust employs approximately 2700 people including nursing, dental, AHPs, support staff, administrative and clerical workers.
The Trust went live with the ESR Portal in May 2017.
Following a Trust initiative to ‘save a £1 a day’, Andrew Mills, HR Systems Manager worked with our communications team to create a Portal Announcement that would help us promote our campaign.
The Trust has more recently used the Portal Announcement to promote other campaigns to staff including flu vaccinations, dementia training and the ESR App. The Trust exceeded NHS England’s target for vaccinating frontline colleagues against flu in 2017/18, with 71.9% of clinical staff opting for a free jab. This is an increase of 15.7% on the previous year, and can be, in part attributed to the success of using the Portal Announcement to reach frontline staff.